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product manager's survival guide second edition book by steven haines

The Product Manager's Survival Guide, 2e by Steven Haines

The first and most comprehensive book about how to get started as a product manager, this book provides best practices, practical on-the-job advice, and a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in Product Management.

Chapter 5 & Chapter 8 cover elements of the Value Proposition and Product Positioning throughout the product lifecycle as discussed in this tutorial.

The Product Manager's Desk Reference by Steven Haines

The Product Manager’s Desk Reference (2nd ed) has been referred by many as the bible of product management.  Its easily accessible content provides the knowledge, tools, and insight you need to establish yourself as a cutting-edge product manager who contributes measurably to your company’s success.

Chapter 11 – Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: The Concept Phase features an in-depth description of a successful value proposition and product positioning statement as discussed in this tutorial.